Winegrowing is becoming more difficult:
A changing climate
Climate change disturbs decades of knowledge and experiences that has been passed through generations of winegrowers
Environmental challenges
Environmental and public health regulations require professionnals to rethink their vineyard practices
Push for Yield and Quality
The pressue of continuously needing better yield and quality can harm the vine
Digital transition
Using digital technology makes work easier and more efficient
Technology and data science to support your expertise
viti supports your experience with hard data to reduce mistakes,
work better as a team and improve your vineyard performances
Dependable :
more reliable decisions based on the vineyard data
Time Savings :
anticipate events, better organization, faster decisions
Efficient :
design strategies to achieve your quality and yield objectives
Input Management :
precisely adjust the amount of fertilizers, treatments and water
How can 360 viti best suit me?
Starter360 is a good starting point. It helps to better understand the platform, allowing the add-on of one data source integration and ability to use pre-defined dashboards to look at specific vineyard situations. Opti360 is our premium platform, it enables as many data integration as you need, to track and follow your vineyard parameters on customizable dashboards.
In Starter360 :
2 dashboards available at the same time between a selection of preset vineyard dashboards (fruit maturity, weather, vintage comparison...)
In Opti360 :
unlimited number of customizable dashboards. Create specific analysis for yield and quality objectives
What is a 360viti Dashboard?
Dashboards are your main tools to stratigize and execute. Dashboards display your vineyard data as maps and/or graphs. With Opti360, you can create a dashboard for each specific theme; for example create a dasboard for maturity, this may include graphed berry analysis results and an anthocyanin color map. Other themes might be water status or yield or your themes might be organized by season.
Depending on your objectives and needs, your custom dashboards will be specialized for you.
dashboards are preset and their number is limited, but you still can choose from a wide selection of preset dashboards by theme or application.
Many data provider companies are already integrated onto 360viti.
Your data providers, our platform; just one website, one log-in, to view all of your data in real time.